Storm damage to a 房子 and surrounding buildings.

What to do after a hurricane

帮助ful tips to prevent further water damage, 安全开始清理,并找到承包商来帮助修复损坏的财产.

Despite taking proper precautions to prepare your home for a hurricane, damage may still happen. 你首先想到的问题之一可能是pp王者电子官网. 让我们来探讨一下这个问题,然后看看飓风过后如何清理.

Does homeowners insurance cover hurricane damage?

Check with your individual insurer to determine if your 房子, 公寓 or 租赁财产 is protected in the event of hurricane damage. 这可能包括飓风造成的风雨造成的损失. 如果你的家位于飓风风险较高的地区, 你可能会遇到专门为飓风设立的免赔额. 一般来说,洪水不包括在房主的保单中. Talk with your agent about how to obtain 洪水pp王者电子官网.

Does car insurance cover hurricane damage?

When trees fall and debris flies during a hurricane, your car might be right in the path and sustain damage. Comprehensive insurance 通常包括飓风对汽车造成的风和洪水损害. You’ll want to check with your pp王者电子官网代理人 在损失发生之前,确认你是否有你需要的pp王者电子官网——特别是如果你住在一个更容易受到飓风袭击的地区.

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, 下面列出的步骤可能有助于保护您的财产免受进一步的风和水的破坏,并有助于防止在您开始清理过程时对您或您的家人造成伤害.

How to clean up after a hurricane

联系 your pp王者电子官网代理人 before you begin cleanup, 因为他们可以提供指导或帮助你报告你的索赔. 此外,在报告索赔之前,不要丢弃或修理任何东西.

当你准备开始清理过程,尽量使用适当的安全装备,如 安全眼镜, hard hats, masks, heavy gloves and waterproof boots.

  • Examine the area for hazards. Before any cleanup, survey the property. If t在这里 are any unusual odors, water near electrical appliances or outlets, 建筑物的结构有问题或者你在水中发现了化学物质, 与当地政府和公用事业部门核实是否安全返回.
  • Begin drying out the building. 如果可以的话, remove only damaged drywall, 地毯和垫子, and pull off wet baseboards and cabinet kick plates. Keep samples of any carpets that are removed. Leave your home as well ventilated as possible. Document your damage by taking photographs. 为了防止进一步的雨水破坏,使用防水布尽可能多地覆盖你的财产.
  • 开始清理. 如果你自己做清洁,小心不要伤害自己或他人. 记录你花在保护财产上的时间和金钱. 如果你决定 使用承包商,拿一张人工费和材料费的收据给你 声称代表. 在你和你的索赔代表讨论之前,不要做任何修理工作. It may be beneficial to get an estimate first.
  • Document and photograph everything. 协助 insurance claim process, document items that are damaged. 您可以通过提供损坏物品的购买收据来做到这一点, photographing the items and by making a 房间到另一个房间库存 of missing or damaged goods. 包括制造商名称、日期、购买地点和价格.
    • Do not throw out any expensive items, such as large televisions and furniture, until authorized by your 声称代表. These items may need to be inspected first.
  • Safely store personal property. Secure all personal property, especially small valuables such as jewelry, in a safe place to help avoid theft.
  • Take special care with antiques and art. 处理古董、艺术品、纯银和黄铜制品时要特别小心. 让它们变干,但不要上油或摩擦它们,因为这会损坏表面或表面.
  • Clean and dry wood furniture as soon as possible. 小心不要把可能掉落在表面的泥土或灰泥等磨料擦进去.
  • Dry out furniture and bedding. 试着晾干有轻微水渍的床上用品和软垫家具. 然而,已经饱和的床上用品应该处理掉. Don't store other possessions near these items.
  • 擦干和清洁有轻微水渍的地毯和地毯. 被水浸透的地毯应按上述方法处理.
  • 干燥的金属物品. To help prevent corrosion, 干燥任何金属物体, such as home appliances and drapery rods, then rub or spray with appropriate cleaning solution.
  • 擦干,但不要给收音机、电视机和其他电子设备上油. 任何接触到水的电子设备在使用前都应该经过专业的维修.

Start repairing storm damage to your property

Once you have cleaned up your property, discussed repair work with your 声称代表, and you are ready to begin repairs, 小心 家居修复骗局. Find a qualified contractor to complete any repairs.

  • It's ideal to use local and reputable contractors. If t在这里's any problem with repair work, 让本地公司修理要比让外地公司修理容易得多.
  • 打电话给你的商会或 商业促进局. 确认承包商有经验来处理你的维修.
  • 在签订任何合同之前,先与承包商商定付款条件.

Additional hurricane recovery resources


本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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状态 Farm General pp王者电子官网 Company
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状态 Farm County Mutual pp王者电子官网 Company of Texas


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飓风 evacuation and preparedness plan

When a hurricane requires evacuation, 在这里's what you can do to help protect your home, 宠物和财产.

Prepare your home for spring weather

You can't stop spring showers, 但是你可以为家里和周围的环境做好准备,以防雷暴, 强风和更多.

Tips to help in preparing for a hurricane


Preparing your boat for a hurricane

在飓风季节来临之前,考虑准备好你的船,以防风暴. 一些事先的计划可以帮助你在飓风中保护你的船.