

Learn how to help keep your laundry room safe from hazards, including the harmful effects of laundry detergents.

根据2020年发表的一项研究 全国消防协会 (NFPA), in 2014 - 2018, an average of 13,820 fires were responded to that involved dryers. 根据 美国中毒控制中心协会, 截至7月31日, 2022, 中毒控制中心已经控制了5个,582 cases related to laundry detergent packet exposure in 孩子们 5 和 younger.

Here's what needs to be cleaned, checked 和 stored in order to maintain a safe laundry room.


  • 泄漏, 一旦发生就马上擦干净. Soapy detergent can cause falls, 和 clear bleach could be mistaken for water.
  • 烘干机管道和通风口 Hire professionals to clean your ducts 和 vent if you notice a decrease in dryer performance. If you have 宠物 or a large family, this could be necessary as often as twice a year.
  • 〇洗衣机 Wash the washing machine with a store-bought washing machine cleaner or a solution of hot water, 醋和小苏打.
  • 清洁捕绒器 Empty it after every load, 和 clean it with a nylon brush every six months.

发现更多方法 保养你的烘干机 并学习一些技巧 洗衣机保养.


  • 〇干燥管 塑料干燥管有火灾隐患. 更换为直管或柔性金属管.
  • 烘干机说明书 This should tell you the space a dryer needs for proper airflow. Keep your dryer cool by keeping the area around it clutter-free.
  • 烘干机通风口 Check the vent's exterior output for blockages, such as leaves or bird nests. If you notice dryer lint all over the laundry room make sure the dryer vent 和 exhaust duct are securely attached. 的 U.S. 消防管理 建议每三个月清洗一次通风口.
  • 洗衣机底座- Make sure to place the machine in a pan connected to a drain to catch leaks before they cause major damage. This is especially important if your washer is located on an upper floor in your home.
  • 软管: Replace washing machine supply lines every three to five years as part of a proactive maintenance plan.

发现更多方法 help keep your home safe 和 secure by performing a DIY家居安全审核.


  • 洗涤剂, 商店的洗涤剂, 洗涤剂的数据包, bleach 和 fabric softeners in their original containers 和 out of reach of 孩子们 和 宠物. Also, institute laundry safety rules 和 discuss what's safe to touch 和 what's not.
  • 其他清洁产品 Some products like stain removers or laundry enhancers may come in spray bottles. Make sure you lock the bottle 和 store it away as those sometimes are a source of accidental poisoning.
  • 灭火器- 每年有成千上万的火灾发生在洗衣房. 明智的做法是保留 灭火器 关闭.
  • 〇重要数字 保持你的本地风格 中毒控制中心 number posted in the laundry room in case of an emergency.
  • 洗衣槽—— 为了避免受伤, use child locks for chute doors as kids might be curious or think they are fun. 的y should only be used for clothing 和 not for toys, humans or 宠物.
  • 洗衣机和烘干机 Always lock machine doors 和 use a child proof lock if needed. This will help prevent kids from crawling into the machines, accidentally opening one that might have water or heat or playing with the doors 和 causing the machines to tip over.

Now that you have reviewed information to help keep your family 和 home safe, 在打扫洗衣房的时候, learn more information about household hazards for your 孩子们宠物 继续保护最重要的东西.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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